Lifetime Access
With this software you will get lifetime access very easily.
With this software you will get lifetime access very easily.
Software with easy layout for easy understanding & working.
With this software you can sort everything as you like.
You can reduce expenses by managing your business well.
EasyFee streamlines fee management processes with intuitive simplicity, ensuring effortless tracking, payments, and reporting for your school. Say goodbye to complexity and hello to seamless fee management
Happy Users
Customer satisfaction
EasyFee is a comprehensive fee management system designed to streamline administrative tasks within educational institutions. With its intuitive interface and robust functionality, EasyFee simplifies academic, student, and financial management processes.
From managing academic operations and student information to handling fee collections and generating detailed reports, EasyFee offers a complete solution tailored to the needs of educational institutions. With modules covering academics, students, fee collections, reports, and system settings, EasyFee ensures seamless operations, enabling institutions to focus more on their core mission of education.
This module encompasses all aspects related to academic activities within the institution. It includes sub-modules such as Batches (grouping of students), Days (academic calendar), Slots (timetable slots), Courses (academic programs offered), Semesters (academic terms), Students Relationship Officer (SRO, managing student interactions), Students Relationship Manager (SRM, overseeing student relations), Faculty (teaching staff management), and Books (academic resources).
The Students module focuses on managing student-related information. Sub-modules include All Students (comprehensive student database), Add Students (student enrollment), Dropout Students (managing dropout cases), and Transfer Students (handling student transfers).
This module handles all fee-related transactions and reporting. Sub-modules comprise Collect Fee (fee collection process), Search Receipt No (searching fee receipts), Search Due Fees (identifying outstanding fees), Balance Fee Report (reporting on fee balances), Fees Master (master list of fees), Fees Group (grouping of fees), Fees Type (types of fees), and Fee Vouchers (generation of fee vouchers).
The Reports module generates various types of reports for informed decision-making. Sub-modules include Transactions Reports (comprehensive transaction records) and Admissions Report (reporting on admissions data).
The System Settings module provides configurations and management options for the system. Sub-modules consist of General Settings (system-wide configurations) and Users (user management and permissions).
By efficiently handling data, businesses can optimize their operations, enhance productivity, identify opportunities, and implement strategies that lead to accelerated growth and success.